Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh did you want your name on that!!!!

I am an old fashion girl who loves technology these days. Every time I buy a new piece of technology I do have a flash back to the first Terminator movie where the robots take over the world and that only TV show my husband I both like is Battle Star Galactic, another show where the robots take over, but I am pretty sure there will never be killer embroidery machines so I think humanity can rest assured.

So this weekend the ease of an automatic embroidery machine was amazing. I was confused for about a minute when I realized it did not need a foot peddle. I use a wonderful 35 year old Bernina for my everyday sewing and love it so much, I had no idea what all the new stuff felt like.
So I watched the DVD and read the instructions and went to town. It was the first item I had every bought from the HSN and I am impressed. Now we are ready for some business, I am doing the burpies now and will do the booties soon. Seriously my full time life is getting in the way of my crafty me-time.

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