Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Fabric and Cool Onesies

After much work I have another round of Burpies and MORE, the More this time is some very cool onesies, that I personal love love love. All items will be on my etsy page as well to sell. I sold so much stuff this past week in Media PA Thanks to my mom who is for sure my biggest help. More to come, I have two patterns for booties now and they will be finished by next week in two sizes! Yeah!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh did you want your name on that!!!!

I am an old fashion girl who loves technology these days. Every time I buy a new piece of technology I do have a flash back to the first Terminator movie where the robots take over the world and that only TV show my husband I both like is Battle Star Galactic, another show where the robots take over, but I am pretty sure there will never be killer embroidery machines so I think humanity can rest assured.

So this weekend the ease of an automatic embroidery machine was amazing. I was confused for about a minute when I realized it did not need a foot peddle. I use a wonderful 35 year old Bernina for my everyday sewing and love it so much, I had no idea what all the new stuff felt like.
So I watched the DVD and read the instructions and went to town. It was the first item I had every bought from the HSN and I am impressed. Now we are ready for some business, I am doing the burpies now and will do the booties soon. Seriously my full time life is getting in the way of my crafty me-time.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I will have my name and your name on freaking everything- in four days!!!

I have gone back and forth on this one, and owning your own little shop (by shop I mean the spare bedroom in my house)and only having been selling stuff for exactly a month this past sunday. I am so excited to announce that I just bought a EMBROIDERY MACHINE, the real tough heavy duty one that can do bags and burpies and all sorts of stuff plus I can also hook it up to my labtop and do cool designs along with basis names and it comes with 20 type styles!!!!

So I will update you all when I have it ready to go. Here is a list of what is going to be so cute....

1. A three pack of Burpies with a babies initals on them
2. Booties with initals on them
3. Baskets with names on the cloth liners with Burpies in them.

I soo can not wait, Emily and Julie may be as excited as I am.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

To Market, To Market.....

"Ahh Snap" to quote Emily. thanks to my Burpies' Hot Mama's ( no really I am going to trade mark that name) using the Burpies in the G'boro I have got some more requests for business now from a retailer, so look out for the billboard bus advertisements!! I kid but I am having so much fun and loving all the attention (who me, really) and a million thanks to all that have bought Burpies and More and to those who will in the future, bring it on. Here are some pictures, late last night when I was packing up stuff to show today. The Printery in Greensboro did a wonderful job with my cards, Chris and Scott Hill are super printers.